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Finance: ORCID - Advanced

Complete your ORCID with keywords, visibility, link it to your social media and use it!

2C - Add keywords and phrases which describe your research activities


Keywords can help someone identify you or find your research, and people can search ORCID by keyword. You can enter as many keywords as you wish.

3B - Adding social media

Add links to web pages relevant to your research such as your personal website, institutional profile, or social media accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar profile, Facebook, Google+, and others.


Help guide:

3C - Make your ORCID visible

Now that your ORCID is complete, make it visible. You can set visibility levels to everyone, just trusted people, or only yourself. However, if you want to use it as an online CV, it is best to make it as public as possible.

Help guide:

3D - ORCID will need to be regularly updated

Your ORCID can be used as a publicly viewable CV but will need to be kept updated.


Help guide:

3E - Use your ORCID !!!

Add your ORCID to your email signature, conference presentations, grant applications, publication submissions, and more.


3A - Add keywords and phrases which describe your research activities