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Finance: ORCID - Intermediate

Add your publications to your ORCID

Works like publications, datasets, conference papers and so on can be downloaded to ORCID in many ways. The easiest of these is direct import. Linking trusted databases or organisations can also allow you to auto-update. Some of these databases include Scopus, Web of Science, and BibTeX. The video help guide below provides information about this. Links further down the page provide information on auto-updating your ORCID, and linking ORCID to IRMA and the ARC RMS system.


Help guide:

Add works by direct import from other systems and auto-update


This will allow you to upload your works from IRMA to ORCID

Link ORCID to ARC RMS for grant submissions

Which document to use for instructions?

Add your publications to your ORCID and link it to IRMA and RMS